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Initial Posting (1/3)
This was the initial FB posting alerting the community to the site proposal.
Initial Posting (2/3)
This was the initial FB posting alerting the community to the site proposal.
Initial Posting (3/3)
This was the initial FB posting alerting the community to the site proposal.
Site Location
This map shows where the facility will be located on Blau Road.
MF Dump Site Proposal
This image is from the submitted proposal, detailing how the facility would be built on the property currently being farmed.
AG Choice Facility
The Andover facility was visited as a model for comparison to the Blau Road Dump proposal. The Google Maps image shows the exact composting stalls at the blue pin point. The highlighted orange shape is the perimeter called the Operational Zone, the area around the facility with no residences or businesses. The Andover facility has over 579 acres of unoccupied space surrounding it.
Blau Road Proposal
This Google Maps image is the proposed Blau Road site by Pio Costa. Its Operational Zone would have only 108 acres of unoccupied space surrounding it (1/6th the area of AG Choice) while processing 4 times the amount of food to decompose.
Site Size Comparison
This image shows the unoccupied Operational Zones of each facility at the same scale, showing just how much more isolated the Andover facility is compared to the planned Pio Costa facility in our backyards.
AG Choice Visit
Grandview Estate's resident Environmental Scientist Allie Molnar went with members of Mansfield's Town Council to visit the Andover Facility. She shared her observations here:
Call Log Analysis
In South Jersey, they are fighting a similar issue of a local farmer composting food to feed livestock. The NJ Depart of Environ Protection (NJDEP) has a hotline setup for residents to phone-in complaints of noxious fumes from these sites and they are supposed to follow up, investigate, and if found to have multiple calls reporting bad smells, the facility is to be shut down. I spoke with the South Jersey community representative and was sent a call log of FIVE YEARS worth of calls to the NJDEP. It's heartbreaking to read, but it details the utter failure of the NJDEP to remediate the horrific impacts to quality of life for nearby residents. In 5 years of complaints, 46% of responses from NJDEP was simply 'Call us back if the smell persists'. In that same call log, only 3 times did the DEP actually visit the offending site, in each one stating that, since they are unable to walk a 360degree perimeter around the facility, they can't conduct an investigation, therefore no further action is taken. What this means is, if this facility is approved, there is NO effective remediation when there are violations committed; they don't have the staff and they have a proven FIVE YEAR history of failures to be an effective response to citizen concerns. NJDEP is utterly broken as a resource.
Town Hall Presentation
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